Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts are considered for publication only with the understanding that they are not simultaneously under consideration elsewhere, that they are the original work of the author(s), and that any previous form of publication and any current consideration in other languages are disclosed.
  2. The article should be typed in 12 font sizes in Times New Roman Series in 1.5 line spacing with a margin of 1.5″ on the left and 1″ on the other three sides. The article size should be maximum 4000 words, including the abstract of 250 words. Keywords must be included.
  3. The title, authors name etc. should be given only in the title page and not on the first page of the article. This is to enable blind review.
  4. The ‘Declaration of Originality’ filled-in and duly signed by corresponding author must also be sent by email while submission of manuscripts. (Click here for Declaration of Originality form)
    a.  Each citation may be supported with a logical explanation, the author’s opinion, illustration or citation/paraphrasing of another author’s work. Without citing the source, use of other’s written work amounts to plagiarism. The last name of the author, year and page numbers can be referred. Each entry in the text must be cited in the reference.
    b.  The entries should be arranged in the references in the alphabetical order by the last name of the first author and then by his/her initials.
    c.  The American Psychological Association (APA) style should be followed in preparing the references.
    This format must be strictly adhered to, else the paper will not be taken for review process.
    d.  An article published in a journal should contain the following details: Author’s last name, initials, year of publication, name of the article, name of the journal (italicized), volume number, issue number in parentheses, and page numbers.
    e.   An article published in an edited book should contain the following details: Author’s last name, initials, year of publication, name of the article, initials and last name of editors. Ed./s. in parentheses, title of the book (italicized), name of the publisher, place of publication and page number of the article.
    f.   A book should be listed in the following format: Author’s last name, initials, year of publication, title of the book (italicized), name of the publisher, place of publication.
    g.   For an institutional report, write full name of the institution as the author.
    h.   For a government report, the author is the name of the country/state and the name of the Ministry/Department, separated by a colon.
    i.  When ordering more than one reference by the same author, list the earlier publication before the later publication.
    j.  References by the same author with the same publication year are arranged alphabetically by the title, and suffixes a,b,c and so on are added to the year. The same suffixes should be added in the text also.
    k.  When a reference has no author, type the first two or three words, ellipse and year in the left column. This entry should be alphabetized by the first letter of the title.
    l.  When a reference has no year, state ‘no date’ in place of the year.
  5. Article should be submitted online in the link provided for the purpose. However, if the submission fails, a soft copy in word and PDF format may be emailed, addressed to ‘The Managing Editor’, International Journal of Life Skills Education at subject line may be “Submission of research article for IJLSE”.
  6. The tables and figures in the article may be provided separately in JPEJ format attached to the email, apart from being placed at appropriate positions in the article, (word document) and attached in the same email.
  7. The submitted articles will be verified by peer review committee and the committee holds the authority to accept, reject or suggest modification to it. The accepted article will be edited to suit the requirement of the publisher based on expert opinion.
  8. The copyright of the entire accepted article will be with the Indian Association of Life Skills Education. The copyright form may be signed and sent by email to
  9. IALSE will not be in a position to assure the time limit for the publication of the article. If a manuscript is received after the review committee has finalised articles for the next issues, the authors may have to wait till the next issues are out.
  10. On publication, one complimentary e-copy of the journal will be mailed to the author.